Making Smart Choices About Student Loans

An overwhelming majority of those who seek and complete higher level education require the assistance of student loans. College graduates typically have a 6 month grace period after graduation day until they need to begin making payments. Thinking with the end in mind is a great way to have a clear goal to reduce the […]

The Next Recession and What We Can Learn from the Tour de France

For the second year in a row I am a daily listener to Lance Armstrong’s podcast covering the 2018 Tour de France. As a race, the Tour’s terrain is always full of variety: flat stages, mountainous stages, and even stages with miles of cobblestones. As someone who has experienced the trials and tribulations of le […]

The Future Isn’t Here Yet, but It’s Closer

We are excited to share page 2 of the NEW Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct from the CFP Board – Effective October 1, 2019. Being a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ holds us to these high standards of Ethics and Conduct. Here at LFA, we have always held ourselves to a stricter code and now others […]

Understanding Solo 401k Plans

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 imposed significant changes to the 2018 tax code especially for self-employed people but one area it did not change is the benefit of Solo 401(k) or individual 401(k) plans. These retirement plans are designed for companies with one employee (or an employee and spouse) that want to […]

Only 4 Things You Can Do With Your Money

During my years at Lighthouse Financial Advisors, I’ve learned (and from only the BEST), that there are actually only “4 Things You Can Do With Your Money”: Taxes – not a choice, we MUST pay our taxes! Tax planning is critical throughout the year with our clients. Being aware of your current tax situation allows […]

Children’s Impact Under Tax Reform

Children’s Impact Under Tax Reform With the recent overhaul of the US tax system, it comes as no surprise that many are still trying to decipher how they are impacted by the changes. While media pundits have been quick to highlight the most dramatic changes (i.e. mortgage interest limitations, state tax deduction limits, lowered corporate […]

Valid Until December 31st

As I’m sure you’re well aware, major tax reform is due to pass soon. In preparation for this we’ve been busy diving deep into the new tax code to try and take advantage of any opportunities for taxes savings that we can. Depending on your tax status (i.e. whether or not you are in alternative […]

All 529s Are Not Created Equal

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] At Lighthouse Financial Advisors, we strive to educate our clients that the location of their assets is often just as important as the funds they invest in – this rule is no exception when it comes to utilizing 529 plans. While most investment companies have faced an […]

Buy one bottle of wine now – Or buy seven bottles when you’re 65?!

I find myself having more and more general financial literacy conversations with people as word gets out about my obsession with the Fee-Only-Fiduciary Financial Planning world. Based off a recent conversation, I was inspired to write this post. For those reading, the younger you are – the better this may serve you. Two good concepts […]

Making Smart Choices About Student Loans

An overwhelming majority of those who seek and complete higher level education require the assistance of student loans. College graduates typically have a 6 month grace period after graduation day until they need to begin making payments. Thinking with the end in mind is a great way to have a clear goal to reduce the […]

The Next Recession and What We Can Learn from the Tour de France

For the second year in a row I am a daily listener to Lance Armstrong’s podcast covering the 2018 Tour de France. As a race, the Tour’s terrain is always full of variety: flat stages, mountainous stages, and even stages with miles of cobblestones. As someone who has experienced the trials and tribulations of le […]

The Future Isn’t Here Yet, but It’s Closer

We are excited to share page 2 of the NEW Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct from the CFP Board – Effective October 1, 2019. Being a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ holds us to these high standards of Ethics and Conduct. Here at LFA, we have always held ourselves to a stricter code and now others […]

Understanding Solo 401k Plans

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 imposed significant changes to the 2018 tax code especially for self-employed people but one area it did not change is the benefit of Solo 401(k) or individual 401(k) plans. These retirement plans are designed for companies with one employee (or an employee and spouse) that want to […]

Only 4 Things You Can Do With Your Money

During my years at Lighthouse Financial Advisors, I’ve learned (and from only the BEST), that there are actually only “4 Things You Can Do With Your Money”: Taxes – not a choice, we MUST pay our taxes! Tax planning is critical throughout the year with our clients. Being aware of your current tax situation allows […]

Children’s Impact Under Tax Reform

Children’s Impact Under Tax Reform With the recent overhaul of the US tax system, it comes as no surprise that many are still trying to decipher how they are impacted by the changes. While media pundits have been quick to highlight the most dramatic changes (i.e. mortgage interest limitations, state tax deduction limits, lowered corporate […]

Valid Until December 31st

As I’m sure you’re well aware, major tax reform is due to pass soon. In preparation for this we’ve been busy diving deep into the new tax code to try and take advantage of any opportunities for taxes savings that we can. Depending on your tax status (i.e. whether or not you are in alternative […]

All 529s Are Not Created Equal

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] At Lighthouse Financial Advisors, we strive to educate our clients that the location of their assets is often just as important as the funds they invest in – this rule is no exception when it comes to utilizing 529 plans. While most investment companies have faced an […]

Buy one bottle of wine now – Or buy seven bottles when you’re 65?!

I find myself having more and more general financial literacy conversations with people as word gets out about my obsession with the Fee-Only-Fiduciary Financial Planning world. Based off a recent conversation, I was inspired to write this post. For those reading, the younger you are – the better this may serve you. Two good concepts […]

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