Entries by Marni

Maybe We Should Sweat The Small Stuff?

Coming off a whirlwind of a year in 2020, as we faced unprecedented circumstances, there were certainly a number of hard lessons learned as we sailed through unchartered territory. For many individuals, the biggest lesson was perhaps the realization that they simply were not prepared for the changes they now had to face. Although grudgingly […]

Navigating Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment, which varies by company but generally takes place in the Fall, can often be a stressful time as trying to make sense of your company’s benefits can seem like a daunting task. It is an important time however, as it allows you the opportunity to adjust your benefits based on any changes that have […]

How Not to Let Money Issues Come Between You and Your Partner

One of the most common sources of conflict in relationships is money. If you are lucky enough to have found someone who you are compatible with, the last thing you want to do is jeopardize the life you are trying to build together because conversations around money are getting in the way.  Discussions about finances […]

Change Your Lens, Change Your Story

Change your lens…change your story. Like putting a wide lens on a camera, choosing a different perspective can not only broaden our current perception of events but influence our behavior to produce more positive and long-lasting outcomes. We often let not only the history of our lives but the fear of the unknown control how […]