Entries by Steven Tyson

The New Hot Spam – Tax Scams

Technology has been rapidly evolving for several years now, even more since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Over the last year our dependence on emails, computers, phones, and various software programs to stay up to date with work and personal life has undoubtedly increased. Unfortunately, hackers’ techniques have continued to evolve during the pandemic as well. […]

Setting A Foundation And Getting Your Feet Off The Ground

As the next generation continues to work hard & graduate college, it is important to know what the next steps may be. Some of us are going into business, engineering, law, maybe even astronauts, etc. The world is competitive and as a result, we all aim to push ourselves to be the best we can […]

Navigating Through a Recession Amid Covid-19

2020 has been a year like no other with Covid-19 having derailed all of our plans and expectations. Unfortunately, the United States is officially in a recession, ending the longest economic expansion in history. More than 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment since the pandemic began and uncertainty seems higher than ever. The word […]

Planning for Special Needs

Things to consider when planning for special needs As parents, we all want what is best for our children. For parents of children with special needs, the financial planning process can become extremely stressful and confusing. Many parents often take extended periods of time to create an action plan due to confusion, anxiety, and a […]

CARES ACT: The Impact on Student Loans

On Friday March 27th, President Trump signed a $2 trillion financial stimulus known as the CARES Act. This immense package is designed at the federal level to help Americans who will be directly impacted by Covid-19 by providing aid to individuals, support to small business sectors, expanded provisions for health care, updated tax deadlines, and […]