In an interesting article posted on “Gallup”, concerns about being able to maintain a certain standard of living are addressed. Please follow the link below to read this article.  If you have concerns about your retirement and/or would like to speak with us about this, please contact us to schedule an appointment.  It is never too early and never too late to discuss your options!

Refinance your mortgage to the lowest fixed rate possible for your situation. Remember you can’t time the market. Savings accounts, money markets and bonds are for liquidity. These holdings over the long term lower your portfolio’s standard deviation and allow you to stay fully invested in equities.

From the Warren Buffett annual newsletter – More money has been lost chasing yield (higher return on cash) then has been lostat the point of a gun.

Enjoy the current return on equities but remember it was your savings accounts, money markets, and bonds that gave you the confidence to stay invested through the equity market’s wild ups and downs.

Welcome to the Lighthouse Financial Advisors, Inc blog – We look forward to sharing information on hot topics and current events.

The next time you chat with Donna Tyrrell, CRPC® please Congratulate her on successfully completing the course work and passing the rigorous exam to become a Charted Retirement Planning Counselor.

 Over the last few months we were glad to see the national press picked up on a new book the “The Investment Answer” – Article in NY Times  and video interview The book is a great read and gives tremendous insight into our investments philosophy. We highly recommend this book and if you would like a copy please call the office and we will make sure you get a copy.