National Lighthouse Day – August 7th

National Lighthouse Day honors and commemorates the beacon of light that symbolizes safety and security for boats at sea. We are thankful for the guidance offered by all Lighthouses to help us find our way safely through storms, fog, and rocky shores leading us safely to our home port. We hope the clients and friends […]

The Investment Answer

As a reminder to anyone who has not already read “The Investment Answer”, we highly recommend you take the time to read it. The book is a great read and gives tremendous insight into our investment philosophy. If you would like a copy please call the office and we will make sure you get a […]

Debt Ceiling Impact; Our Thoughts

We are sure that you have been following with concern, the political drama and folly unfolding in Washington around the issue of raising our nation’s debt ceiling. At this moment it is not clear when or what the final resolution will be, but the negotiations will be staged daily to highlight the drama. Markets and […]

Luke Carey Education Quote & Affordable College: Don’t Pay Retail

Luke Carey, CFP® was recently quoted on to discuss a few strategies for your college savings checkup. Please check out the link here: We also would like to share with you an interesting take on the state of education costs and thoughts on funding from one of our Alliance of Cambridge Advisors colleagues. […]

Lack of Retirement Funds Is Americans’ Biggest Financial Worry

In an interesting article posted on “Gallup”, concerns about being able to maintain a certain standard of living are addressed. Please follow the link below to read this article.  If you have concerns about your retirement and/or would like to speak with us about this, please contact us to schedule an appointment.  It is never too […]

Low interest rates

Refinance your mortgage to the lowest fixed rate possible for your situation. Remember you can’t time the market. Savings accounts, money markets and bonds are for liquidity. These holdings over the long term lower your portfolio’s standard deviation and allow you to stay fully invested in equities. From the Warren Buffett annual newsletter – More […]

The Investment Answer

Welcome to the Lighthouse Financial Advisors, Inc blog – We look forward to sharing information on hot topics and current events. The next time you chat with Donna Tyrrell, CRPC® please Congratulate her on successfully completing the course work and passing the rigorous exam to become a Charted Retirement Planning Counselor.  Over the last few […]

National Lighthouse Day – August 7th

National Lighthouse Day honors and commemorates the beacon of light that symbolizes safety and security for boats at sea. We are thankful for the guidance offered by all Lighthouses to help us find our way safely through storms, fog, and rocky shores leading us safely to our home port. We hope the clients and friends […]

The Investment Answer

As a reminder to anyone who has not already read “The Investment Answer”, we highly recommend you take the time to read it. The book is a great read and gives tremendous insight into our investment philosophy. If you would like a copy please call the office and we will make sure you get a […]

Debt Ceiling Impact; Our Thoughts

We are sure that you have been following with concern, the political drama and folly unfolding in Washington around the issue of raising our nation’s debt ceiling. At this moment it is not clear when or what the final resolution will be, but the negotiations will be staged daily to highlight the drama. Markets and […]

Luke Carey Education Quote & Affordable College: Don’t Pay Retail

Luke Carey, CFP® was recently quoted on to discuss a few strategies for your college savings checkup. Please check out the link here: We also would like to share with you an interesting take on the state of education costs and thoughts on funding from one of our Alliance of Cambridge Advisors colleagues. […]

Lack of Retirement Funds Is Americans’ Biggest Financial Worry

In an interesting article posted on “Gallup”, concerns about being able to maintain a certain standard of living are addressed. Please follow the link below to read this article.  If you have concerns about your retirement and/or would like to speak with us about this, please contact us to schedule an appointment.  It is never too […]

Low interest rates

Refinance your mortgage to the lowest fixed rate possible for your situation. Remember you can’t time the market. Savings accounts, money markets and bonds are for liquidity. These holdings over the long term lower your portfolio’s standard deviation and allow you to stay fully invested in equities. From the Warren Buffett annual newsletter – More […]

The Investment Answer

Welcome to the Lighthouse Financial Advisors, Inc blog – We look forward to sharing information on hot topics and current events. The next time you chat with Donna Tyrrell, CRPC® please Congratulate her on successfully completing the course work and passing the rigorous exam to become a Charted Retirement Planning Counselor.  Over the last few […]

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