Ideas On How to Save While at College

As September approaches and students begin to prepare for the fall semester, we feel this is an excellent opportunity to share ways that they can be smarter with their everyday expenses.  With limited resources, college students can benefit immensely by learning to stretch their dollars. Aside from the classes they take, the independence of college […]

Successfully Managing a Financial Windfall

Financial windfalls come in varying ways, often unexpected or suddenly.  Whether an inheritance, company stock profits or sale, insurance settlement, or lottery winnings…. the unexpected pile of cash can create an initial sense of euphoria and a false sense of security. The vast majority of people blow through a financial windfall fairly quickly.  Whether large […]

Cyber Fraud

Threats to Data Security Intensify every hour, technology continues to evolve, changing the way we lead our lives. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are evolving just as fast, developing new ways to separate people from their assets. While the most common tactics used to compromise a victim’s identity or login credentials are long-time nemeses such as malware, […]

How Much Are You Really Paying for Your Investments?

In a recent Wall Street Journal article (linked HERE), Andrea Fuller recounts her experience of searching for the fees that she is paying for her financial advisor and investments – the advisor is an employee of one of the largest financial advisory companies. What Andrea did not expect is that this hunt would require a […]

Robert’s Co-Authored Document on Taxes

With tax season officially upon us, we wanted to take a moment to: remind everyone to send in their tax documents and information as soon as possible to share a recent white paper (attached) that was co-authored by Robert Walsh. View PDF The paper utilizes real-life case studies and third party analyses to exhibit the […]

Be Aware of IRS Tax Scams

As we welcome in a new year and many changes, we need to remain diligent of new tax scams pertaining to identity theft and refund fraud.  This is one reason NY State is now requiring your driver’s license number to file your State return. The IRS recently issued a summary of the most prevalent scams […]

Dimensional Fund Featured in The Wall Street Journal

Dimensional Fund Advisors are featured in the following article The Active-Passive Powerhouse published in The Wall Street Journal. dfa-wall-st-journal-nov-2016

New Jersey Gas Tax Hike and Impact to Estate and IncomeTax

Governor Christie struck a deal with Democratic leaders of the New Jersey legislature on October 14 that will raised the gas tax but has corresponding sales, estate and income tax cuts to be phased in over the years.  Below is a synopsis: Increase the gas tax by $0.23 per gallon (effective November 1, 2016); Finance […]

Financial Planning Tips for the Fall

As Labor Day approaches, kids head back to school and football season kicks off, it is an essential time to get your finances in shape before year-end.  Implementing the following ideas can save you money and alleviate stress.  Think of it as Fall cleaning for the wallet. Open enrollment for health care benefits typically takes […]

Ideas On How to Save While at College

As September approaches and students begin to prepare for the fall semester, we feel this is an excellent opportunity to share ways that they can be smarter with their everyday expenses.  With limited resources, college students can benefit immensely by learning to stretch their dollars. Aside from the classes they take, the independence of college […]

Successfully Managing a Financial Windfall

Financial windfalls come in varying ways, often unexpected or suddenly.  Whether an inheritance, company stock profits or sale, insurance settlement, or lottery winnings…. the unexpected pile of cash can create an initial sense of euphoria and a false sense of security. The vast majority of people blow through a financial windfall fairly quickly.  Whether large […]

Cyber Fraud

Threats to Data Security Intensify every hour, technology continues to evolve, changing the way we lead our lives. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are evolving just as fast, developing new ways to separate people from their assets. While the most common tactics used to compromise a victim’s identity or login credentials are long-time nemeses such as malware, […]

How Much Are You Really Paying for Your Investments?

In a recent Wall Street Journal article (linked HERE), Andrea Fuller recounts her experience of searching for the fees that she is paying for her financial advisor and investments – the advisor is an employee of one of the largest financial advisory companies. What Andrea did not expect is that this hunt would require a […]

Robert’s Co-Authored Document on Taxes

With tax season officially upon us, we wanted to take a moment to: remind everyone to send in their tax documents and information as soon as possible to share a recent white paper (attached) that was co-authored by Robert Walsh. View PDF The paper utilizes real-life case studies and third party analyses to exhibit the […]

Be Aware of IRS Tax Scams

As we welcome in a new year and many changes, we need to remain diligent of new tax scams pertaining to identity theft and refund fraud.  This is one reason NY State is now requiring your driver’s license number to file your State return. The IRS recently issued a summary of the most prevalent scams […]

Dimensional Fund Featured in The Wall Street Journal

Dimensional Fund Advisors are featured in the following article The Active-Passive Powerhouse published in The Wall Street Journal. dfa-wall-st-journal-nov-2016

New Jersey Gas Tax Hike and Impact to Estate and IncomeTax

Governor Christie struck a deal with Democratic leaders of the New Jersey legislature on October 14 that will raised the gas tax but has corresponding sales, estate and income tax cuts to be phased in over the years.  Below is a synopsis: Increase the gas tax by $0.23 per gallon (effective November 1, 2016); Finance […]

Financial Planning Tips for the Fall

As Labor Day approaches, kids head back to school and football season kicks off, it is an essential time to get your finances in shape before year-end.  Implementing the following ideas can save you money and alleviate stress.  Think of it as Fall cleaning for the wallet. Open enrollment for health care benefits typically takes […]

Ready to Start Your Financial Journey?