Entries by Sean Lane

Gratitude & Financial Success

As we head into the holiday season, we can’t help but reflect on all there is to be grateful for personally as well as here at Lighthouse Financial Advisors. Whether at home or at work, we value and appreciate the long-lasting relationships we’ve built and know how fortunate we are. In this time of reflection, […]

Child Tax Credit 2021

With so many changes happening around us — school winding down, warmer temps, the ability to travel and see friends — one change that we’re keeping an eye on closely here at Lighthouse Financial Advisors are the changes to the Child Tax Credit (CTC).  For 2021 only, the CTC will be expanded by the IRS […]

Pay It Forward

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be challenging to say the least, it presents an opportunity for communities to come together and for us to give back.  Charitable giving is meaningful for a multitude of well documented reasons. In addition to helping those in need or just brightening someone’s day, the simple, selfless act of […]

Stimulus Check Payment Summary

To relieve the financial pressure many Americans are experiencing, the federal government has started to issue $1,200 payments to certain Individual Taxpayers, and $2,400 to married couples.  These payments have been a centerpiece of the $2.2 trillion rescue package meant to provide a buffer against the coronavirus pandemic that has closed much of the U.S. […]

Valid Until December 31st

As I’m sure you’re well aware, major tax reform is due to pass soon. In preparation for this we’ve been busy diving deep into the new tax code to try and take advantage of any opportunities for taxes savings that we can. Depending on your tax status (i.e. whether or not you are in alternative […]

Ideas On How to Save While at College

As September approaches and students begin to prepare for the fall semester, we feel this is an excellent opportunity to share ways that they can be smarter with their everyday expenses.  With limited resources, college students can benefit immensely by learning to stretch their dollars. Aside from the classes they take, the independence of college […]

10 Factors for Financial Success

Today, as a society we tend to view financial success in rather cut and dry ways.  A few things we tend to get hung up on when we try to achieve financial success include: a big house, fancy cars, flashy jewelry, or the highest paying job.  Are these the things that are really going to […]

5 Smart Lifestyle Changes to make in your 20s

Your twenties are an exciting time in one’s life and also an extremely important time to set the financial foundation for the rest of your life. In your 20s you must learn to transition from a lifestyle without significant responsibilities into the “real world” making your 20s a decade of tough lessons. Whether you’re on […]